EMCEI-25 Spotlight

  • Read the Guidelines and submit your short abstract (max. 350 words) today to take advantage of the ESEV-25 publication opportunities!
  • Your abstract should summarize a research study that focusses on at least one of these Conference Tracks.
  • Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to prepare presentations and (optionally) submit short conference papers for publication in the ESEV-25 Proceedings.
  • ESEV-25 proceedings will be published in Springer ASTI Book Series (indexed in Scopus).
  • Read on SpringerLink our previously published proceedings (CAJG, EMCEI, and MedGU).
  • Following the conference, all authors (in person and online) will be invited to submit a more thorough version of their conference papers for publication (after evaluation) in the Springer journal Earth Systems and Environment (indexed in Scopus and Web of Science).
  • Follow Important Dates and Registration payment terms.
ESEV-25 Proceedings